ICC Fraudnet invites you to join the brightest minds and leading innovators in international asset recovery November 7 and 8 2013 in São Paulo, Brazil at the Third Annual Conference on Fraud, Asset Recovery & Cross Border Insolvency Cooperation, sponsored by ICC FraudNet and Schools of Public Attorneys and Magistrates of São Paulo.
ICC Fraudnet invites you to join the brightest minds and leading innovators in international asset recovery November 7 and 8 2013 in São Paulo, Brazil at the Third Annual Conference on Fraud, Asset Recovery & Cross Border Insolvency Cooperation, sponsored by ICC FraudNet and Schools of Public Attorneys and Magistrates of São Paulo.
A major target of fraud, the banking industry faces growing costs and risks from fraudulent electronic funds transfers, complicated by the fact that fraudulently transferred funds may have to be pursued across national boundaries—frequently across the globe.
“As we all know, asset recovery lies at the intersection of investigation, forensic accounting, complex commercial litigation, contentious insolvency law–and in civil law systems–public law.” says ICC Fraudnet Executive Director Matt Lindsay. “Therefore, the Third Annual Conference features a 360-degree multidisciplinary, multi-jurisdictional approach–with special input from some of the leading banking officials, public law jurists and lawyers in Brazil, as well as leading FraudNet attorneys, bankruptcy judges and anti-fraud enforcers from around the world.” Mr Lindsay continued.
Some of the topics the Conference will cover include:
• Using link analysis diagramming to ‘map the architecture’ of a fraud.
• Designing an asset recovery model that spans multiple jurisdictions.
• How courts can impose protective judicial secrecy over concealed asset investigations.
• How the EU and UNCITRAL’s insolvency models affect creditors’ rights in debtor’s center of main interests (“COMI”) jurisdictions.
• How the growing knowledge base about ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of offshore companies and accounts might be used in asset recovery.
Presentations will be augmented with cutting-edge case material illustrating the practical applications and tactical advantages of harmonizing various investigative and analytic asset recovery resources with progressive legal techniques. The goal is to ensure you come away from this Conference with pragmatic tools to help you better protect you client–private or public–from the ferocious onslaught of well-funded organized criminals who are always innovating to stay one step ahead of the law.
To make your reservation or receive more information, please contact Ana Belotto:ana@feldensmadruga.com.br
FraudNet and its Brazilian host firms, FeldensMadruga, Krikor Kaysserlian,Duarte e Forssell Advogados, look forward to seeing you at the Renaissance Hotel, São Paulo November 7 and 8.