Live Piracy Report
Live Piracy & Armed Robbery Report 2017
Live Piracy & Armed Robbery Report 2017 Final Updated
Bulk Carrier
Campha Inner Anchorage
19.09.2017: 1700 – 2300 UTC: Posn: 20:54.3N – 107:16.3E, Campha Inner Anchorage, Vietnam.
Unnoticed robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier during cargo operations. Duty crew on routine rounds noticed the paint store padlock broken and raised the alarm. Incident reported to Port Authorities through local agents. Ship’s stores were reported stolen.
Unnoticed robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier during cargo operations. Duty crew on routine rounds noticed the paint store padlock broken and raised the alarm. Incident reported to Port Authorities through local agents. Ship’s stores were reported stolen.