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  • Shreyas Jayasimha
  • India
  • Aarna Law
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    Shreyas Jayasimha read law at the National Law School of India University and was a Chevening Scholar at the University of Warwick. He enrolled as an Advocate in 2000. Shreyas has conducted several complex trials, has appeared before several High Courts and the Supreme Court and international and domestic arbitral tribunals and mediation fora. He is also trained as a mediator and has been appointed arbitrator. Shreyas is a member of the LCIA Asia Pacific Users Council and is the one of the editors of the IBA mediation committee newsletter. Shreyas’ practice area includes litigation, dispute resolution, company law, constitutional law, intellectual property, and technology law amongst others across industrial sectors such as infrastructure, real estate, oil and gas, aviation etc. Shreyas is a member of the Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy (FIAA), Geneva since 2012, and was recently made the Coordinator, UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee of India. Shreyas has been listed in the International Who’s Who of Commercial Arbitration since 2010 till date.


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No. 5, Second Main Road, Vyalikaval
Bangalore 560003, India

New Delhi
53, Second Floor, Sunder Nagar
New Delhi 110003, India


+91-11-43505878 / +918023566792

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