Pernille Bigaard
Law Firm, City
Lundgrens & Partnere, Copenhagen
Pernille is one of Denmark’s most experienced insolvency attorneys, and she has assisted in a number of financial restructurings and in the insolvency proceedings against a wide range of large Danish companies including Sterling Airways A/S, Sterling Airlines A/S, Centerplan A/S, Sandgården A/S, O. W. Bunker A/S, Fona A/S, Arnold Busck A/S and ACT Global A/S.
Pernille is widely recognised by the large international rating agencies as leading in Denmark in Insolvency and Restructuring. Her extensive experience and expertise means that she is often asked to handle the most complex cases in Denmark; for instance as trustee of the estate in bankruptcy of O.W. Bunker, which is the largest bankruptcy in Denmark in recent times.
Since 1988, Pernille has been entitled to appear before the Danish Supreme Court and she has conducted several significant cases in relation to bankrupt and insolvent businesses.
As the then chairman of the Danish Association of Trustees (in Danish: Kuratorforeningen) Pernille participated in the establishment of the Association of Danish Insolvency Lawyers in 2004, and she was chairman until 2018. For a number of years, Pernille also chaired the Danish Bar and Law Society’s Insolvency Law Committee and the Association of Danish Law Firms’ Insolvency Law Committee. Pernille is also a member of The Danish Debt Collection Agency’s select group of attorneys whom the Agency may appoint as trustees.
Pernille represents Denmark ICC’s FraudNet, a global organisation specialised in Fraud and Asset Recovery.