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  • Bernd Klose
  • Germany
  • kkforensic, Friedrichsdorf, Hamburg
  • kkforensic is a specialized law firm with its practice focussed on economic and white collar crime, asset tracing and recovery, compliance consulting, and the representation of creditors and office holders in insolvency matters, both domestically and internationally. Its clients include transnational companies, financial institutions as well as office holders in insolvency proceedings and private persons. The firm and its founders have pursued fraudsters in many different jurisdictions worldwide and provided advice for victims in national and cross-border cases.

    Bernd Klose is founding shareholder of Frankfurt and Hamburg based international law firma kkforensic. He leads the Frankfurt office and its Asset Recovery and Financial Fraud Group which represents victims of serious fraud, corruption and other economic crime around the world. Having been appointed as an insolvency office holder for more than 20 years Bernd also advises on national and international insolvency matters and creditor rights.

    Bernd is a certified Fraud Examiner with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, holds under German law the title as a Specialized Lawyer in Insolvency Laws, lectures at the School of Governance Risk & Compliance at the Steinbeis Universitaet in Berlin as a visiting lecturer, is the editor – in – chief of “The FraudNet Compendium – Asset Tracing & Recovery” and has contributed inter alia on insolvency matters to some German and international legal guides.
  • kkforensic is based in Friedrichsdorf near Frankfurt and in Hamburg and covers two of the most important financial and economic centres in Germany. It was founded in 2011 by the two partners, Bernd Klose and Michael Kuehn.
    Kkforensic focuses on the representation of victims of fraud deploying legal instruments both from the civil as well as from the criminal laws. Moreover, kkforensic advises institutions and governmental bodies on the implementation and certification of internal measures to prevent detent and pursue fraud and corruption. Michael Kuehn is a specialized lawyer in criminal laws and tax laws. Bernd Klose is a specialized lawyer in insolvency laws.
  • kkforensic sticks to the principle of a boutique law firm. Based on the specialization of its founders its work includes commercial fraud and crime prosecution and national as well as international asset recovery, creditors rights and insolvency, representation in cases of white collar crime and difficult tax matters.


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Wilhelmstrasse 14 A,
61381 Friedrichsdorf/Taunus, Germany

Barmbeker Strasse 27a,
22303 Hamburg, Germany


+49 (0) 6172 731716

German, English

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