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  • Mario Brando
  • Venezuela
  • Brando & Asociados
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    Mario Brando is partner of Brando & Asociados, in Venezuela. The law firm founded in 1979 by his father, focus its practice in dispute resolution thru alternative methods or civil and commercial litigation, including asset recovery and insolvency process. The firm also provide legal counsel to private corporations and investors, especially in the financial and real state area.

    Mr Brando, with a team of 7 lawyer, investigators and forensic accounts, leads the insolvency and asset recovery practice at Brando & Asociados. He join the firm in 2004 when he earned his law degree from “Universidad Católica Andrés Bello” in Caracas, Venezuela. He has a special degree in commercial law, constitutional justice and alternative dispute resolution methods. He recently has been working with “Carrillo & Asociados” (Guatemala) to recover assets in Venezuela for the Stanford International Bank liquidation (Antigua). He has been also working as an advisor with the “Asamblea Nacional” (Venezuelan Congress) writing the new laws for anticorruption and asset recovery.

    Mr. Brando is the Venezuelan representative for ICC FraudNet, the world´s leading asset recovery legal network.


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Av. Rómulo Gallegos, Torre Poliprima
Piso 6, Oficina 6N
Santa Eduvigis, Caracas, 1071


+ (58)212-2855505

Spanish, English, Italian

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